Where Next From Here? 

We are introducing a three-phased approach from 2023 focussed on generating learning as we progress, to inform and strengthen the implementation of Bairns’ Hoose across Scotland. Taking this approach will give us the time to build the Scottish Bairns’ Hoose model the right way, so that we can establish effective multi-agency working across the country. This is outlined in our Delivery plan.

Pathfinders phase 
The aim of the Pathfinder phase is to develop knowledge about how the Standards work in practice in different contexts and enable the design of a national Bairns’ Hoose model (the what) and define the required support (the how). The findings of the Pathfinders phase will underpin the subsequent Pilot phase.

Different Pathfinder Partnerships will help test the Standards in the context of various geographical and operational models. The aim is to learn both about the systems, practices and culture changes required to achieve our Bairns’ Hoose vision, and the methods, practices and resources required to facilitate transformational change.

With the Pathfinders work, we hope we will have started to improve the experience of some children, young people and their families in the justice, health, care, and recovery services.

Pilot phase
The Pilot phase will build on the progress of the Pathfinders to work towards the implementation of all Bairns’ Hoose services and Standards as fully as possible. It is intended that this phase will involve a complete evaluation, including evaluation of outcomes for children, young people and their families to ensure that we are getting it right across the board. The final shape of the Pilot phase will be determined by the findings from the Pathfinder phase and resource considerations.

National rollout
Bairns’ Hoose will be delivered across Scotland; all eligible children, young people and families will have access to the services that best suit their needs.

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